Saturday, August 18, 2012

Manually install/remove iPhone software

If you get a chance to download ipa file but don't know how to install it to your iPhone, iPad? Here are some tips:

1/ Using Installous:
- Download your desired ipa file (or ssh to your iPhone)
- In case if you download directly on your Safari, you can use iFile to move it to Installous folder (/private/var/mobile/Documents/Installous/Downloads)
- Open Installous then install it

2/ Using  dpkg -i to install your application (*.deb file)


1/ SSH to your mobile phone
2/ Delete your application under folder: /var/stash/Applications/<application name>
3/ And/Or delete your application under folder /private/var/mobile/Applications/<application id/code>
This is a bit hard for you to know which application id/code folder belongs to which application, so you basically have to go in that folder and find <application name>.app folder that equivalent to you application name (you have to guess and make sure correct folder yourself)

Detail example:

1/ How to find your application folder?
Change to default application folder: cd /private/var/mobile/Applications/<application id/code>
Find your application folder that you wish to delete: ls -R | grep 

Another way is using SBSettings\System Wide Options\App Folders, then select your application to see it folder

2/ Delete application: rm -fR /private/var/mobile/Application/<application id/code>

Basic understandings of iPhone/iPad

1/ iOS is unix-based operating system - debian/ubuntu? so that's reason why there are some workforce to port iPhone GCC compiler to Ubuntu - - need study, confirmed?
- So please do remember some constraints related to security matters, eg: you ssh (using root) a file to iPhone and then your application (default using 'mobile' user) to access that file - it'll be failed due to security

2/ IPA package is generally zip file with content inside

3/ Some important folders/directories in iOS
- Default user-home folder: /private/var/mobile
- User-home Application folder: /private/var/mobile/Applications - This is where all the real application code, data stored - so if you want to hack your application - come in here
- User's application data: /private/var/mobile/Documents/ - This is where you see your working data in application stored
- Default iPhone Application folder:  /var/stash/Applications

4/ Package in iOS
- deb file: is a traditional debian package file so you can use debian command to install, remove it, eg: dpkg -i

- ipa file

5/ Default root password: alpine

Some useful applications for iPhone/iPad

1/ PaperBoss:
I need to study courses, and I made decision to use FlashCards technique. I googled around and finally there were no suitable application on iPhone, iPad. So I had an idea is to create Flash Card myself (picture) and set it as PC's wallpaper, iPhone/iPad wallpaper interval. I found an application: PaperBoss, that was quite very old application in iOS, it's crashed all the time (during setting/configuration works) but it still works normally background somehow

2/ TBC

Useful commands in iPhone/iPad terminal

1/ Want to reboot your iphone/ipad? Connect to terminal (or SSH) and issue command: reboot

2/ Want to restart SpringBoard? Connect to terminal (or SSH) and issue command: killall SpringBoard

3/ Want to start/stop service in iPhone, speeding up your iPhone?

Start vsftpd (daemon/background service)
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bigboss.vsftpd.Startup.plist

Stop vsftpd daemon
launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bigboss.vsftpd.Startup.plist

Start sshd
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.openssh.sshd.plist

Stop sshd
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.openssh.sshd.plist

View all working processes
ps -ax

View working processes, and its status

View disk free on your iphone
df -h

View used command in terminal

View your iPhone information: Kernel, Hardware, iPhone name, etc.

uname -a

View network connections to/from your iphone
netstat -s

Configure your iphone network interface
ifconfig -a

Manipulate packages: install, list, remove, etc.
dpkg -l

View help system

Some sources for your free/cracked iPhone/iPad app:

1/ Cydia (in this application you can add many application sources/repositories, you can google it)
2/ Installous (this can be installed from Cydia)
3/ HipStore (this can be installed from Cydia; source:
4/ AppStoreVN (this can be installed from Cydia)
5/ Installer (this can be installed from Cydia)

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