Friday, August 3, 2012

Want to study - flash cards is smart choice

I'm reviewing PMP course, and I soon or later want to get this certificate so I'm thinking of creating my own flash cards, I google around tools for my iphone, ipad, and I saw these interesting websites, especially for knowledge, flash cards exchange

And tools:

Btw, I will use these tools for creating, maintaining and sharing our project knowledge also

And I got an idea to create a soft (called 'Social Flash Cards') to integrate into Facebook, Twitter, and sharing feature between users; taking a photo with notes for studying and share instantly to friends

And I learnt from the guy - Christian Kienle - who made and published flash cards tool an interesting term "Prototyping driven developer" that sounds cool. He created hundred applications based on his own idea and publish, few of them, acquired by firm, company to make commercial

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