Cung khong han la` tha't ba.i, nhung ro~ rang la` toi bay gio` moi' nhan ra duoc., ca'ch cho.n va` sap da.t nguoi du'ng cho~ vi. tri' la` mot die`u quan
Truo'c day, toi tuyen, chon nguoi, co' ve? nhu toi da~ su chi'nh mi`nh la`m hi`nh ma~u de? tuyen, that kg phai la` good approach
1. Ba't ky` cai gi` cung co' vi. tri' phu` hop cua no'. Neu ban muo'n noi' ve` viec. lua. chon giu~a "cai' na`y", hay "cai' kia". That se chang bao gio co' cai nao tot hon cai' na`o 100%, moi cai deu co' gia' tri. rieng cua? no' va` dieu quan trong la` ban phai biet su chung va`o du'ng vi. tri' de? phat huy he't kha nang.
De pha't trien ca' nhan, khong ai hoan ha?o, ai cung co' khiem khuye't, va'n de` la ban phai? tha'y duo.c mi`nh ma.nh, ye'u cho na`o, va` bie't su diem ma.nh cua m`inh va`o du'ng cho~
2. Do' la` ly' do toi nen: ca`n mo.t good player de? "play" trong mot team. Toi khong ca`n mo.t ngoi sao, nguoi toi ca`n phai tuyen dung cho nho'm cua mi`nh, khong ca`n hoa`n ha?o, khong phai tuan theo ba't cu hi`nh mau na`o, chi? don gia?n nguoi ta co' the? tra'm duoc va`o cho tro'ng to't nha't, gio'ng nhu toi dang choi tro` xep hi`nh, ... do' la` nghe^. thua.t de? xay dung nen mo.t nho'm la`m viec hieu. phai => vay ai la` thua`, khong ai la` kg to't, va'n de` la` phai bie't nhan ra, va` sap xep ho. thanh mo.t do.i (team)
3. Su. Phu` hop., doi khi toi luon tu. hoi, tai sao hoan canh toi the' nay, hoan canh toi th'e kia, tai sao moi truong cua toi khong to't nhu moi truong cua nguoi kha'c, nhung sao do' toi thay ra`ng su. Phu` hop. la die`u quan trong nha't. Khi toi la`m proposal cho cty ve` mo.t du. a'n, toi ky` ra't nhie`u, nhung roi`, toi tu. nhan thay'. Toi phai nhi`n ro duoc moi truong, dieu kien cua cty, va` ti`m ra mo.t giai phap Phu` hop nha't voi' cty, toi kg the? da.t ra qua' nhie`u ky vong, qua' Pro, va`... qua' khong Phu hop voi' cty, ...toi se failed
4. Proven Records, tha.t la` kho' khan: toi nho' de'n thoi m`inh moi' ra truo`ng. Sinh vien luon gap va'n de` qua? tru'ng va` con ga`, ho. xin vie.c, thi` cty do`i co' kinh nghiem, nhung ho. khong di lam` thi` lay dau ra kinh nghiem. Ca'ch giai quyet cua toi thoi` do' la`, tu. la`m project cho rieng mi`nh, sau do' su dung chu'ng nhu la` Proven Records de? la`m kinh nghiem xin viec
Ngay nay toi lai gap mot va'n de` tuong tu., neu toi muo'n na`m trong Outsource List cua ca'c Big Company, toi phai co' Proven Records, nhung la`m sao de? co' Proven Records day? Lai la` qua tru'ng va` con ga`. Nen chang toi, phai co' mo.t so' Internal Project/Product, de? di tu` Small Company roi` de'n Big Company?
Mo.t chu't ong cu. non cua toi de'n day la` du`ng
Leadership & Project Management
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Business Plan for VC Funding
Business Plan
From: vinaya.hs,
2 years ago
This presentation describes the structure of a business plan and the contents to put in each section.
SlideShare Link
The Decision Making Process
The Decision Making Process
From: adhirock,
2 years ago
The Decision Making Process
SlideShare Link
what is new in Perl 5.10
What's new in Perl 5.10?
From: acme,
2 years ago
Perl 5.10 will be the next new stable version of Perl. Find out what features it will have.
SlideShare Link
Components of a maketable Business Plan
How to write a business plan
From: tosime,
3 years ago
Tips on writing a business plan from an investor's perspective
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Understand Innovation in 5 Minutes
Understand Innovation in 5 Minutes
From: Brokenbulbs,
3 years ago
Blog: With so many people talking about innovation these days, it can be very confusing. In fact, if you ask a dozen people what innovation is, you'll rarely get agreement on the issue. But all is not lost! You can get your head around innovation and innovation management with this short, yet powerful introduction to innovation. I've spent hours going through the literature on innovation and distilled innovation down to its essence -- the profitable implementation of ideas -- saving you hours of torment and confusion. A very popular presentation from the owner of the blog.
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Software testing life cycle
Software Testing Life Cycle
From: sunny.deb,
2 years ago
Software Testing Life Cycle
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Using Quicktest Pro 8.0
QTP 8.0 Basics
From: guru__123,
2 years ago
This Slide describe the Bais Knowledge of Quick Test Professional (QTP).
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Automation Fundamental Concepts & QTP 8.2
The Top 10 Reasons The Ruby Programming Language Sucks
The Top 10 Reasons The Ruby Programming Language Sucks
From: vishnu,
3 years ago
Matz's keynote presentation from RubyConf 2003, from
SlideShare Link
Ruby on Rails - Building Web Applications Is Fun Again!
Ruby on Rails: Building Web Applications Is Fun Again!
From: judofyr,
3 years ago
Anthony Eden presentents us for Ruby on Rails.
SlideShare Link
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Knowledge Transfer with SCRUM
Knowledge Transfer With Scrum
From: guestefd8bc,
2 years ago
Scrum helps your team to improve sharing and transfering knowledge about your project and domain.
SlideShare Link
Introducton to Pair Programming
Introduction To Pair Programming
From: nashjain,
2 years ago
Introduction To Pair Programming presentation by Naresh Jain and Bhavin Javia for Agile Chennai 2007 conference
SlideShare Link
Case Study of Agile Testing
Case Study of Agile Testing
From: nashjain,
2 years ago
Case study on Agile Testing by Narendra Parihar for Agile Chennai 2007 conference
SlideShare Link
Best Practices for Form Design
Best Practices for Form Design
From: psykoreactor,
2 years ago
Best Practices for Form Design
SlideShare Link
User Centered Design 101
User Centered Design 101
From: farreaching,
2 years ago
Is User Centered Design a buzzword, a technique, or a methodology? Why does "UCD" get so much attention? How has it changed how teams approach web application usability efforts? Is UCD right for you?
1. User Centered Design: Evolving from Dot-Com to Web 2.0
2. Why UCD? (Development, Business, Design benefits)
3. Development process: UCD vs. Agile vs. Waterfall
4. Case Studies: User Centered Design success stories
5. Is UCD right for you?: Planning a UCD process for your product
6. Q & A
1. User Centered Design: Evolving from Dot-Com to Web 2.0
2. Why UCD? (Development, Business, Design benefits)
3. Development process: UCD vs. Agile vs. Waterfall
4. Case Studies: User Centered Design success stories
5. Is UCD right for you?: Planning a UCD process for your product
6. Q & A
SlideShare Link
An Introduction to Scrum
An Introduction to Scrum
From: ddebowczyk,
2 years ago
Scrum is an agile process that allows us to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time. - by Mountain Goat Software
SlideShare Link
Bangkok MEGA Bridge
Bangkok Mega Bridge Project Management 2007
From: escribitionist,
2 years ago
Project presentation on Bangkok Mega Bridge project management
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Project Management and the Technical Communicator
Project Management for Technical Communication Professionals
From: stcindiana,
2 years ago
Presentation to the members of the Indiana Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication, December 18, 2006. Delivered by Greg McCormick on the Project Management Institute methodology and how it can help technical communication professionals better plan and manage their technical documentation projects.
SlideShare Link
The Rule of 24!
Time Management: The Rule of 24
From: Nigel2,
2 years ago
This time management presentation was delivered to a group of commercial bankers. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to share the speaker's notes where all the "meat" of the message is contained.
SlideShare Link
Issue Management
Issue Management
From: ssshhhsss,
2 years ago
This presentation was prepared to describe the concepts of 'Issue Management' in a humorous manner...Go through the presentation, understand how simple 'Issue Management' is and enjoy!!!
About the front page...well...that is my dog...MAX...isn't he cute :-)
About the front page...well...that is my dog...MAX...isn't he cute :-)
SlideShare Link
Measuring ROI of Training
Measuring ROI of Training
From: nusantara99,
2 years ago
Excellent presentation slides on how to measure ROI of training
SlideShare Link
Getting Distributed With Ruby (on Rails)
Getting Distributed (With Ruby On Rails)
From: martinbtt,
2 years ago
Implementing distributed processing at Working With Rails
SlideShare Link
Books to read this months
There are 2 e-books (online), that is interesting ebook, i really love to read, but i don't have enough time, so i put it here just to keep track
The Tao Of Programming
The Art of Unix Programming
The Tao Of Programming
The Art of Unix Programming
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ngẫm xem khác biệt thú vị không nhé!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ideas for this month, making google-map like for Hochiminh, Elearning for vietnam
Google map-like for hochiminh (Vu Q Lam)
search google his name (Vu Q Lam)
search google his name
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Write your own OS-independent GUI Application
This one will help you to write your own OS-Independent GUI Application
Want to build your own SCM?
Actually, here is the experience, real application of my client.
They use CVS for code repository, ViewCVS for viewing, LXR for cross-reference, JIRA to link to source code, Doxygen to read code comment, make it as the documentation itself
This is my lesson, it actually cannot compare to google code, but anyway, it is good start
And they have their own Build Generation System, Distrificationalizer, the system will read the definition file, and generate the package, binary for releasing
They use CVS for code repository, ViewCVS for viewing, LXR for cross-reference, JIRA to link to source code, Doxygen to read code comment, make it as the documentation itself
This is my lesson, it actually cannot compare to google code, but anyway, it is good start
And they have their own Build Generation System, Distrificationalizer, the system will read the definition file, and generate the package, binary for releasing
How to Use Economic Downturn to Your Advantage
How to Use Economic Downturn to Your Advantage
October 14th, 2008 by Amrit Hallan
When it comes to business and economy, bad news is pouring like rain; go to any news website or social bookmarking website and you will find scores of links telling you what a mess we’re in. Businesses are crumbling, banks are failing, real estate is dissolving, and a new study has revealed that 80% Americans are stressed due to the prevalent economic conditions (Source). So when it seems the skies are falling, I know it may feel like rubbing salt over the wound if I tell you such conditions can be used to your benefit.
I’m not saying take financial, emotional or physical advantage of your family members, friends, colleagues, or neighbors. Whether we like them or not, adversities are like vaccinations that make us stronger as individuals, as a society and as a civilization. It is through hardships that we become more perceptive towards human values, towards togetherness and towards the beautiful world around us. Whenever we have grown as people it has been through hardship. Unfortunately the law of survival of the fittest manifests most prolifically during such times; some people survive and come through victorious and some don’t (the recent family-suicide-cum-murder).
So what makes you victorious, what differentiates you from those who succumbed to the pressure and couldn’t make it? You are victorious when you can use even adversity to your advantage. Here are a few things to consider:
Connect With Your Loved Ones
When work is less all of a sudden you get ample time to connect, with yourself, and your loved ones. This may seem esoteric when you are worried about paying the bills at the end of the month but worrying and causing distress is not going to solve your problem. In order to confront the adversity you need to be fit, both emotionally and physically.
A few days ago my wife read in a Harvard Business School article that families come closer during economic hardships. This is not a selfish act because this is what families are for. You are worried about your deteriorating finances because of your family. For example, if I am alone I wouldn’t mind sleeping on a park bench but to think like that about my child is a nightmare. So when finances are tight it becomes the business of the entire family. Take into confidence your children, your spouse, even your parents and brothers and sisters. Never, ever withdraw into a mental cocoon because this can be disastrous. There is nothing to feel ashamed of because you are not directly responsible for the current economic mess. Yes, you are responsible about how you tackle the situation.
Talking and brainstorming somehow always seems to work and new ideas crop up out of nowhere. Spending time with kids is always relaxing and it energizes your spirits and helps you refocus. Having long walks with your partner or spouse lets you bond and see the warmth of the relationship that you might have been ignoring while living in the fast lane of commerce.
You can also organize neighborhood gatherings and outings that don’t cost much. Share your resources as much as you can whether it is food, lodging, transport, money, or love. Strike up new friendships. If people stand for each other no hardship can be daunting enough.
Connect With Yourself
Have you been ignoring yourself due to work pressure? When we are busy conducting business and earning money we often begin to ignore our physical and intellectual health. During the downturn you can spend the time giving some good exercise to your body and your brain. Read books that you have been thinking of reading for years. Acquire some new skills. Go for long walks and do some exercise to make your body flexible and muscles stronger. Start eating food that doesn’t cost much and that is good for your brain and your body (surprisingly healthy food is always cheaper compared to unhealthy food).
Rethink Your Priorities
A sudden halt in our day-to-day life gives us a chance to look at our priorities from a new angle. What is really important in your life? Your lifestyle, your loved ones or your values? If you are distressed because you won’t be able to afford the lifestyle you have had so far then you surely need to re-evaluate your priorities. Do you really need such a big house in such an expensive neighborhood? Does your child really need to go to that Ivy League college? Do you want to drive that cool vehicle for the purpose of transporting yourself and your family or to show off? Does it really matter if you can no longer afford that expensive liquor and food? Once your priorities are clear you will be surprised to know that things are not as bad as they had seemed a few hours ago.
Consider Alternative Careers
Haven’t you been always thinking of starting out your own pursuits and work for yourself rather than under someone else? Maybe this is the right time to give it a try. Fine, you may not have the required money, but doing something is always better than doing nothing as long as that something is not destructive. You can even collaborate with a few like-minded people, pool up resources, exchange skills and talents and be as creative as you feel like.
Expand Your Market
If you are a freelancer this is definitely the right time to expand your market and explore other regions of the world. Don’t restrict yourself to one country even if it is your own country. In case you are promoting your business through your website then you can focus your efforts towards optimizing your website so that it begins to get traffic from varied resources. If your current traffic is not generating enough business for you then you should start exploring other traffic sources. This will also help you when the hard times are over.
Do Something Socially or Religiously Relevant
Doing something for others without expecting any return always brings you peace and contentment. Cater to your spiritual side – visit your local place of worship and touch base with the supreme one. Refresh the fact that this world is merely an infinitesimally tiny dot in the infinity of the universe. You may feel humbled and peaceful.
Similarly visit your local non-profit organization engaged in helping underprivileged communities. You will discover how bravely people face their day-to-day struggles like not having enough food to eat, not having warm clothes for winter and not having a roof over their heads. You will suddenly discover how small your problems and challenges are. You may decide that they are in fact totally insignificant.
Develop a Habit of Saving
I know saving is the last thing that comes to your mind when you are running out of money but believe me this is the right time to start saving. Although you must be regretting the days when you could have saved but you didn’t, it hardly matters now because nothing can be done about the time that has gone by. What matters is what can be done rather than what could have been done. Even if you can spare a few dollars, save them somewhere.
The things mentioned above may not immediately solve your financial problems but they will certainly go a long way in keeping you strong emotionally and mentally and make you tough to handle tougher situations.
Do you have any advice for using the economic downturn to your advantage? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
October 14th, 2008 by Amrit Hallan
When it comes to business and economy, bad news is pouring like rain; go to any news website or social bookmarking website and you will find scores of links telling you what a mess we’re in. Businesses are crumbling, banks are failing, real estate is dissolving, and a new study has revealed that 80% Americans are stressed due to the prevalent economic conditions (Source). So when it seems the skies are falling, I know it may feel like rubbing salt over the wound if I tell you such conditions can be used to your benefit.
I’m not saying take financial, emotional or physical advantage of your family members, friends, colleagues, or neighbors. Whether we like them or not, adversities are like vaccinations that make us stronger as individuals, as a society and as a civilization. It is through hardships that we become more perceptive towards human values, towards togetherness and towards the beautiful world around us. Whenever we have grown as people it has been through hardship. Unfortunately the law of survival of the fittest manifests most prolifically during such times; some people survive and come through victorious and some don’t (the recent family-suicide-cum-murder).
So what makes you victorious, what differentiates you from those who succumbed to the pressure and couldn’t make it? You are victorious when you can use even adversity to your advantage. Here are a few things to consider:
Connect With Your Loved Ones
When work is less all of a sudden you get ample time to connect, with yourself, and your loved ones. This may seem esoteric when you are worried about paying the bills at the end of the month but worrying and causing distress is not going to solve your problem. In order to confront the adversity you need to be fit, both emotionally and physically.
A few days ago my wife read in a Harvard Business School article that families come closer during economic hardships. This is not a selfish act because this is what families are for. You are worried about your deteriorating finances because of your family. For example, if I am alone I wouldn’t mind sleeping on a park bench but to think like that about my child is a nightmare. So when finances are tight it becomes the business of the entire family. Take into confidence your children, your spouse, even your parents and brothers and sisters. Never, ever withdraw into a mental cocoon because this can be disastrous. There is nothing to feel ashamed of because you are not directly responsible for the current economic mess. Yes, you are responsible about how you tackle the situation.
Talking and brainstorming somehow always seems to work and new ideas crop up out of nowhere. Spending time with kids is always relaxing and it energizes your spirits and helps you refocus. Having long walks with your partner or spouse lets you bond and see the warmth of the relationship that you might have been ignoring while living in the fast lane of commerce.
You can also organize neighborhood gatherings and outings that don’t cost much. Share your resources as much as you can whether it is food, lodging, transport, money, or love. Strike up new friendships. If people stand for each other no hardship can be daunting enough.
Connect With Yourself
Have you been ignoring yourself due to work pressure? When we are busy conducting business and earning money we often begin to ignore our physical and intellectual health. During the downturn you can spend the time giving some good exercise to your body and your brain. Read books that you have been thinking of reading for years. Acquire some new skills. Go for long walks and do some exercise to make your body flexible and muscles stronger. Start eating food that doesn’t cost much and that is good for your brain and your body (surprisingly healthy food is always cheaper compared to unhealthy food).
Rethink Your Priorities
A sudden halt in our day-to-day life gives us a chance to look at our priorities from a new angle. What is really important in your life? Your lifestyle, your loved ones or your values? If you are distressed because you won’t be able to afford the lifestyle you have had so far then you surely need to re-evaluate your priorities. Do you really need such a big house in such an expensive neighborhood? Does your child really need to go to that Ivy League college? Do you want to drive that cool vehicle for the purpose of transporting yourself and your family or to show off? Does it really matter if you can no longer afford that expensive liquor and food? Once your priorities are clear you will be surprised to know that things are not as bad as they had seemed a few hours ago.
Consider Alternative Careers
Haven’t you been always thinking of starting out your own pursuits and work for yourself rather than under someone else? Maybe this is the right time to give it a try. Fine, you may not have the required money, but doing something is always better than doing nothing as long as that something is not destructive. You can even collaborate with a few like-minded people, pool up resources, exchange skills and talents and be as creative as you feel like.
Expand Your Market
If you are a freelancer this is definitely the right time to expand your market and explore other regions of the world. Don’t restrict yourself to one country even if it is your own country. In case you are promoting your business through your website then you can focus your efforts towards optimizing your website so that it begins to get traffic from varied resources. If your current traffic is not generating enough business for you then you should start exploring other traffic sources. This will also help you when the hard times are over.
Do Something Socially or Religiously Relevant
Doing something for others without expecting any return always brings you peace and contentment. Cater to your spiritual side – visit your local place of worship and touch base with the supreme one. Refresh the fact that this world is merely an infinitesimally tiny dot in the infinity of the universe. You may feel humbled and peaceful.
Similarly visit your local non-profit organization engaged in helping underprivileged communities. You will discover how bravely people face their day-to-day struggles like not having enough food to eat, not having warm clothes for winter and not having a roof over their heads. You will suddenly discover how small your problems and challenges are. You may decide that they are in fact totally insignificant.
Develop a Habit of Saving
I know saving is the last thing that comes to your mind when you are running out of money but believe me this is the right time to start saving. Although you must be regretting the days when you could have saved but you didn’t, it hardly matters now because nothing can be done about the time that has gone by. What matters is what can be done rather than what could have been done. Even if you can spare a few dollars, save them somewhere.
The things mentioned above may not immediately solve your financial problems but they will certainly go a long way in keeping you strong emotionally and mentally and make you tough to handle tougher situations.
Do you have any advice for using the economic downturn to your advantage? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Monday, November 17, 2008
MSDN website, there are a lot of articles, but I rarely use it :-(
Do you want to get a DVD of Microsoft MSDN, etc.?
This link, the price is just to deliver
This link, the price is just to deliver
A busy week, sad news, many stuffs need to be done
I had plan to do many stuffs, to document many tech. articles. But the sad news was coming, our client in US, they closed the contract after almost 4years with us, built up really strong relationship; because of US economy
I was so sad, my team as well, we was worked together, high dedication, the time we worked together, see people more than the time I was at home, anyway, we need to overcome this situation, and move forward. I do hope to have a chance to work with my client again in future
Squid, a web proxy, i had just completed in US lab, Remote Computer Management to track the resource consumption in Test Automation. Python, etc. "How to motivate team members", I did completed many stuffs and want to document it, but...
After almost 4 years working for client I had experience in Unix/Linux, DBMS as well, but unfortunately I haven't documented it yet, the project closed!
I was so sad, my team as well, we was worked together, high dedication, the time we worked together, see people more than the time I was at home, anyway, we need to overcome this situation, and move forward. I do hope to have a chance to work with my client again in future
Squid, a web proxy, i had just completed in US lab, Remote Computer Management to track the resource consumption in Test Automation. Python, etc. "How to motivate team members", I did completed many stuffs and want to document it, but...
After almost 4 years working for client I had experience in Unix/Linux, DBMS as well, but unfortunately I haven't documented it yet, the project closed!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Increasing Opportunities For Skilled Migrants
Skilled Independent Migration has become increasingly popular with a number of countries, including the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Essentially, Skilled Independent Migration allows individuals with strong experience and/or education to migrate to another country with the right to work WITHOUT first needing to find an employer to sponsor a work permit. This gets round the problems faced by people seeing great jobs that they cannot apply for because the employer is unwilling to sponsor their work permit.
The purpose of allowing people to enter the country with the right to work already gained is to encourage the entry of people with exactly the skills that the country needs. These visas tend to be more flexible for the individual as they do not tie the person to only one company.
United Kingdom
The HSMP (Highly Skilled Migrant Programme) is a points based system. Applicants are awarded points for their education, experience and previous earnings and must be awarded a minimum of 65 points to qualify. Applicants who are under 28 will get points for this and find the criteria for other areas easier in terms of lower criteria for points being awarded. MBA students from certain universities around the world are also awarded HSMP purely based on their education. The HSMP Visa allows for an initial one year period, with a further three year extension to be applied for at the end of the first year. This scheme has proved very popular since its creation. You can use an online points calculator to get an idea as to whether you are likely to qualify, such as
The Federal Skilled Worker Visa is again a points based system, but rather more complex than the UK version, with additional points being available in a wider range of areas. These can include points for having a relative in Canada, for having a job offer, for French and English language skills and more. This Visa takes a considerable time to be approved presently, but many feel that the opportunities available in Canada make the wait more than worthwhile. Again, there are online points calculators available to find out if you qualify, such as
Skilled Workers wishing to migrate to Australia face two main options - the full Skilled Worker Visa and the Skilled Independent Regional Visa. As its name suggests, the Regional Visa allows you to work in a specific region of Australia and is designed to encourage development of these areas specifically. The full Skilled Worker Visa allows you to work anywhere in Australia but requires you to gain a higher level of points. Again, these visas are more complex than the UK version.
New Zealand
New Zealand is working hard to encourage skilled migrants to move there and have lowered the pass mark from 195 points in 2004 to its current level of 100 points. As with Canada, having a close relative in New Zealand will gain you extra points and previous work experience gained in New Zealand can also gain you extra points.
For individuals with good education and/or experience, there is a strong initiative in these countries to try and encourage you to bring your skills and experience to their economies, representing increasing options available for individuals to experience different cultures and career opportunities.
SkillClear Immigration and Work Permit Services
About the Author
Dean Marshall is a Director and co-founder of - Immigration and Work Permit Consultants for the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Skilled Independent Migration has become increasingly popular with a number of countries, including the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Essentially, Skilled Independent Migration allows individuals with strong experience and/or education to migrate to another country with the right to work WITHOUT first needing to find an employer to sponsor a work permit. This gets round the problems faced by people seeing great jobs that they cannot apply for because the employer is unwilling to sponsor their work permit.
The purpose of allowing people to enter the country with the right to work already gained is to encourage the entry of people with exactly the skills that the country needs. These visas tend to be more flexible for the individual as they do not tie the person to only one company.
United Kingdom
The HSMP (Highly Skilled Migrant Programme) is a points based system. Applicants are awarded points for their education, experience and previous earnings and must be awarded a minimum of 65 points to qualify. Applicants who are under 28 will get points for this and find the criteria for other areas easier in terms of lower criteria for points being awarded. MBA students from certain universities around the world are also awarded HSMP purely based on their education. The HSMP Visa allows for an initial one year period, with a further three year extension to be applied for at the end of the first year. This scheme has proved very popular since its creation. You can use an online points calculator to get an idea as to whether you are likely to qualify, such as
The Federal Skilled Worker Visa is again a points based system, but rather more complex than the UK version, with additional points being available in a wider range of areas. These can include points for having a relative in Canada, for having a job offer, for French and English language skills and more. This Visa takes a considerable time to be approved presently, but many feel that the opportunities available in Canada make the wait more than worthwhile. Again, there are online points calculators available to find out if you qualify, such as
Skilled Workers wishing to migrate to Australia face two main options - the full Skilled Worker Visa and the Skilled Independent Regional Visa. As its name suggests, the Regional Visa allows you to work in a specific region of Australia and is designed to encourage development of these areas specifically. The full Skilled Worker Visa allows you to work anywhere in Australia but requires you to gain a higher level of points. Again, these visas are more complex than the UK version.
New Zealand
New Zealand is working hard to encourage skilled migrants to move there and have lowered the pass mark from 195 points in 2004 to its current level of 100 points. As with Canada, having a close relative in New Zealand will gain you extra points and previous work experience gained in New Zealand can also gain you extra points.
For individuals with good education and/or experience, there is a strong initiative in these countries to try and encourage you to bring your skills and experience to their economies, representing increasing options available for individuals to experience different cultures and career opportunities.
SkillClear Immigration and Work Permit Services
About the Author
Dean Marshall is a Director and co-founder of - Immigration and Work Permit Consultants for the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Friday, November 7, 2008
3 bài học cho giới kinh doanh từ chiến thắng của Obama
Từ chiến thắng của ông Barack Obama, giới kinh doanh có thể rút ra nhiều kinh nghiệm, bởi chạy đua vào Nhà Trắng và điều hành một doanh nghiệp có những nguyên tắc chung mà một nhà lãnh đạo muốn thành công không thể bỏ qua.
> Đường lối kinh tế đối lập giữa Obama và McCain
Trước hết là nguyên tắc mà chính những người sáng lập nước Mỹ hơn 200 năm trước đề cao, là cần có một đường lối rõ ràng, kiên định. Nếu muốn lôi cuốn được nhiều người ủng hộ, người lãnh đạo không thể mỗi lúc đưa ra một thông điệp khác nhau, cũng không thể khiến người ta bị nhầm lẫn bởi quá nhiều thông điệp, hay vì sợ mà phải làm theo mình. Chính sách về y tế của ứng cử viên đảng Cộng Hòa John McCain được giới chuyên môn đánh giá là rất hữu ích, nhưng cách ông trình bày khiến người ta bị ngợp, bởi nó có vẻ rắc rối quá.
Trong khi đó, thông điệp mà ông Obama đưa ra lại rất đơn giản và thể hiện nhiều khát vọng. Ông Obama nói về những thất bại của chính quyền Tổng thống Bush đương nhiệm. Ông nói về những thay đổi, những hy vọng và hệ thống chăm sóc sức khỏe cho toàn dân.
Những bài diễn thuyết của nhà lãnh đạo có tài hùng biện này vẽ lên một bức tranh sáng về tương lai nước Mỹ, và đủ hấp dẫn để lôi cuốn người dân. Ông Obama cũng xây dựng cho mình hình ảnh nhà lãnh đạo kinh tế điển hình: luôn gắn với một số điểm quan trọng nhất định, không ngừng nhắc lại những luận điểm này và cuốn mọi người theo mình.
Trong những bài diễn thuyết của ông Barack Obama, một trong những câu người ta hay nghe thấy nhất là "Có, chúng ta có thể" (Yes, we can).
Một nguyên tắc khác mang lại thành công cho ông Obama nghe có vẻ rất dễ dàng: sự thi hành. Trong một cuốn sách có cùng tựa đề, 2 tác giả Larry Bossidy và Ram Charan nhận định, thi hành không phải là việc duy nhất một nhà lãnh đạo cần làm, nhưng thiếu nó, những quy trình khác không còn ý nghĩa.
Trong suốt gần 2 năm thực hiện chiến dịch chạy đua vào Nhà Trắng, đội ngũ của ông Obama hầu như không mắc phải sai lầm nào. Ngay từ đầu, các cố vấn của ông luôn có sự chuẩn bị tốt và xuất hiện đúng nơi đúng chỗ để hỗ trợ ông. Trong khi đó, đội ngũ của ông McCain có sự gắn kết lỏng lẻo hơn, và có quỹ vận động tranh cử nhỏ hơn, nên khó lòng cạnh tranh được với đối thủ.
Bài học lớn hơn có thể xuất phát từ chính chiến thắng của ông Obama trước đối thủ Hillary Clinton để giành được sự ứng cử của đảng Dân chủ cho chiến dịch vào Nhà Trắng. Khi bắt đầu cuộc đua trong nội bộ đảng Dân chủ, bà Hillary Clinton có nhiều lợi thế và tin tưởng có thể chiến thắng theo cách truyền thống, là giành được các bang quan trọng New York, Ohio, California thì sẽ chiến thắng chung cuộc. Nhưng ông Obama đã giành được chiến thắng sít sao vào thời điểm cuối, và nhờ sự cân nhắc của các thành viên đảng Dân chủ.
Nhiều lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp cho rằng, cứ làm ngày càng tốt những quy trình đã có là sẽ tăng trưởng mạnh. Thực tế, doanh nghiệp tìm thêm được nhiều khách hàng và mở rộng thị trường trong quá trình thay đổi cách vận hành. Người ta không thể đánh bại các đối thủ và lớn mạnh bằng những phương thức đã cũ, mà phải tìm ra những "trò chơi" mới và nhờ đó vượt mặt đối thủ.
Cuộc bầu cử tổng thống vừa diễn ra tại Mỹ cũng một lần nữa khẳng định giá trị của tình bằng hữu vào những thời điểm quan trọng. Ngay từ đầu, ông Obama đã giành được thiện cảm của giới truyền thông, và những cuộc tranh luận nhiều chiều của báo giới ít khi có sự liên quan đến ông. Trong khi đó, càng về sau, đội ngũ của ông McCain càng "mất điểm" trước giới truyền thông. Phần lớn các nhà quan sát cho rằng, thiện cảm mà giới truyền thông dành cho ông Obama đã tạo nên khác biệt lớn giữa ông và đối thủ McCain.
Trong quá trình điều hành doanh nghiệp, các nhà quản lý không thể không có sự đồng lòng của các cộng sự. Nhưng mỗi khi lãnh đạo đưa ra thay đổi, sẽ có người phản đối. Họ có thể phản đối công khai tại các cuộc họp, thông qua truyền thông, hay nhiều cách khác. Vì thế, ngay từ khi bắt đầu công việc quản lý, lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp cần xây dựng cho mình một êkíp làm việc chuyên nghiệp, có năng lực và chia sẻ quan điểm với mình về các chính sách trong công ty.
Nhưng thế vẫn là chưa đủ. Nếu muốn giữ được sự đồng lòng trong nội bộ doanh nghiệp, không nên làm các thành viên khác bị sốc. Việc ông McCain lựa chọn nữ thống đốc bang Alaska Sarah Palin vào liên danh tranh cử được đánh giá là một quyết định có phần ngẫu hứng. Và có khả năng vì thế mà ông có thêm bất lợi trong cuộc đua.
Thu Nga (theo Business Week)
> Đường lối kinh tế đối lập giữa Obama và McCain
Trước hết là nguyên tắc mà chính những người sáng lập nước Mỹ hơn 200 năm trước đề cao, là cần có một đường lối rõ ràng, kiên định. Nếu muốn lôi cuốn được nhiều người ủng hộ, người lãnh đạo không thể mỗi lúc đưa ra một thông điệp khác nhau, cũng không thể khiến người ta bị nhầm lẫn bởi quá nhiều thông điệp, hay vì sợ mà phải làm theo mình. Chính sách về y tế của ứng cử viên đảng Cộng Hòa John McCain được giới chuyên môn đánh giá là rất hữu ích, nhưng cách ông trình bày khiến người ta bị ngợp, bởi nó có vẻ rắc rối quá.
Trong khi đó, thông điệp mà ông Obama đưa ra lại rất đơn giản và thể hiện nhiều khát vọng. Ông Obama nói về những thất bại của chính quyền Tổng thống Bush đương nhiệm. Ông nói về những thay đổi, những hy vọng và hệ thống chăm sóc sức khỏe cho toàn dân.
Những bài diễn thuyết của nhà lãnh đạo có tài hùng biện này vẽ lên một bức tranh sáng về tương lai nước Mỹ, và đủ hấp dẫn để lôi cuốn người dân. Ông Obama cũng xây dựng cho mình hình ảnh nhà lãnh đạo kinh tế điển hình: luôn gắn với một số điểm quan trọng nhất định, không ngừng nhắc lại những luận điểm này và cuốn mọi người theo mình.
Trong những bài diễn thuyết của ông Barack Obama, một trong những câu người ta hay nghe thấy nhất là "Có, chúng ta có thể" (Yes, we can).
Một nguyên tắc khác mang lại thành công cho ông Obama nghe có vẻ rất dễ dàng: sự thi hành. Trong một cuốn sách có cùng tựa đề, 2 tác giả Larry Bossidy và Ram Charan nhận định, thi hành không phải là việc duy nhất một nhà lãnh đạo cần làm, nhưng thiếu nó, những quy trình khác không còn ý nghĩa.
Trong suốt gần 2 năm thực hiện chiến dịch chạy đua vào Nhà Trắng, đội ngũ của ông Obama hầu như không mắc phải sai lầm nào. Ngay từ đầu, các cố vấn của ông luôn có sự chuẩn bị tốt và xuất hiện đúng nơi đúng chỗ để hỗ trợ ông. Trong khi đó, đội ngũ của ông McCain có sự gắn kết lỏng lẻo hơn, và có quỹ vận động tranh cử nhỏ hơn, nên khó lòng cạnh tranh được với đối thủ.
Bài học lớn hơn có thể xuất phát từ chính chiến thắng của ông Obama trước đối thủ Hillary Clinton để giành được sự ứng cử của đảng Dân chủ cho chiến dịch vào Nhà Trắng. Khi bắt đầu cuộc đua trong nội bộ đảng Dân chủ, bà Hillary Clinton có nhiều lợi thế và tin tưởng có thể chiến thắng theo cách truyền thống, là giành được các bang quan trọng New York, Ohio, California thì sẽ chiến thắng chung cuộc. Nhưng ông Obama đã giành được chiến thắng sít sao vào thời điểm cuối, và nhờ sự cân nhắc của các thành viên đảng Dân chủ.
Nhiều lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp cho rằng, cứ làm ngày càng tốt những quy trình đã có là sẽ tăng trưởng mạnh. Thực tế, doanh nghiệp tìm thêm được nhiều khách hàng và mở rộng thị trường trong quá trình thay đổi cách vận hành. Người ta không thể đánh bại các đối thủ và lớn mạnh bằng những phương thức đã cũ, mà phải tìm ra những "trò chơi" mới và nhờ đó vượt mặt đối thủ.
Cuộc bầu cử tổng thống vừa diễn ra tại Mỹ cũng một lần nữa khẳng định giá trị của tình bằng hữu vào những thời điểm quan trọng. Ngay từ đầu, ông Obama đã giành được thiện cảm của giới truyền thông, và những cuộc tranh luận nhiều chiều của báo giới ít khi có sự liên quan đến ông. Trong khi đó, càng về sau, đội ngũ của ông McCain càng "mất điểm" trước giới truyền thông. Phần lớn các nhà quan sát cho rằng, thiện cảm mà giới truyền thông dành cho ông Obama đã tạo nên khác biệt lớn giữa ông và đối thủ McCain.
Trong quá trình điều hành doanh nghiệp, các nhà quản lý không thể không có sự đồng lòng của các cộng sự. Nhưng mỗi khi lãnh đạo đưa ra thay đổi, sẽ có người phản đối. Họ có thể phản đối công khai tại các cuộc họp, thông qua truyền thông, hay nhiều cách khác. Vì thế, ngay từ khi bắt đầu công việc quản lý, lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp cần xây dựng cho mình một êkíp làm việc chuyên nghiệp, có năng lực và chia sẻ quan điểm với mình về các chính sách trong công ty.
Nhưng thế vẫn là chưa đủ. Nếu muốn giữ được sự đồng lòng trong nội bộ doanh nghiệp, không nên làm các thành viên khác bị sốc. Việc ông McCain lựa chọn nữ thống đốc bang Alaska Sarah Palin vào liên danh tranh cử được đánh giá là một quyết định có phần ngẫu hứng. Và có khả năng vì thế mà ông có thêm bất lợi trong cuộc đua.
Thu Nga (theo Business Week)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Một phút để bắt đầu sữ dụng Python
Hôm nay tôi mới download được Unikey, và quyết định viết bài này bằng tiếng Việt. Lý do đơn giản là vì đã có quá nhiều bài viết bằng Tiếng Anh rồi
Một phút bắt đầu:
- Vào website:, và download gói cài đặt cho Windows của bạn
- Tạo một file text với nội dung (
print "Hello World!"
- Mở Python Shell lên và open file ( lên, một cửa sổ soạn thảo file sẽ xuất hiện
- Trên cửa sổ soạn thảo file, chọn Run\Run Module (hoặc F5)
- Kiểm tra lại cửa sổ Python Shell, bạn sẽ thấy "Hello World!" xuất hiện
Vậy là bạn có thể bắt đầu tập tành viết chương trình Python cho chính bạn rồi đó
Hy vọng mình sẽ có thời gian viết thêm nhiều về Python, những thư viện của nó, tiện ích, ích lợi, v.v.
Một phút bắt đầu:
- Vào website:, và download gói cài đặt cho Windows của bạn
- Tạo một file text với nội dung (
print "Hello World!"
- Mở Python Shell lên và open file ( lên, một cửa sổ soạn thảo file sẽ xuất hiện
- Trên cửa sổ soạn thảo file, chọn Run\Run Module (hoặc F5)
- Kiểm tra lại cửa sổ Python Shell, bạn sẽ thấy "Hello World!" xuất hiện
Vậy là bạn có thể bắt đầu tập tành viết chương trình Python cho chính bạn rồi đó
Hy vọng mình sẽ có thời gian viết thêm nhiều về Python, những thư viện của nó, tiện ích, ích lợi, v.v.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
What do you know about Teradata?
I don't know much :-), but I need to know, so I decided to create this post, and will try to keep it updated
First of all: some tools to work with Teradata, and on next Monday, I will try, and ask my colleage to show me
Teradata Parallel Transporter
Fast Export
Fast Load
First of all: some tools to work with Teradata, and on next Monday, I will try, and ask my colleage to show me
Teradata Parallel Transporter
Fast Export
Fast Load
Shared Nothing architecture
Shared Nothing, the term is used in clustering model, eg. Exchange, DBMS, etc. There any 2 main kinds of resource sharing between servers in cluster model.
1. Shared Nothing: in this model, the servers in cluster need to communicate through some other kinds of connection like: Network, heartbeat to share and access information
2. Shared Resource (i don't remember, will update later) in this model, the severs in cluster share harddisk, memory, etc. it can boost the performance of the system, but the trade off is single-point of failture
1. Shared Nothing: in this model, the servers in cluster need to communicate through some other kinds of connection like: Network, heartbeat to share and access information
2. Shared Resource (i don't remember, will update later) in this model, the severs in cluster share harddisk, memory, etc. it can boost the performance of the system, but the trade off is single-point of failture
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
FreeNAS: another option for clustering environment
If you ever try to install the clustering environment like Exchange, MSSQL, you will fight with the problem of installing quorum disk. And the problem going bad if your server doesn't work well with NAS (HBA, etc. compatibility issues)
Long time ago, freeNAS was born, along with him was openfiler, etc. these are the simulation for NAS that was shipped with iSCSI, and many other protocols like: FTP, Samba, CIFS, etc. and a Web-based administration tool. And to make more convenient, they was shipped with VMware appliance as well... cool !
And you don't have to invest any NAS device, you just download the ISO (Live CD) or the VMware appliance of FreeNAS, turn it on, configure it! and you will have a NAS device that working through the iSCSI protocol
The remain, is to download iSCSI initiator (Microsoft provides one), and free on many Linux distribution. Configure it to work with your new NAS. You can map 1 iSCSI disk (on your freeNAS) to as much server as you want... you have your own Quorum disk
It works for both Windows, Linux as well. Beside that, freeNAS has many interesting features like: authentication through Active Directory, work as file server, scheduling for backing up, it is built on FreeBSD
Good luck!
Long time ago, freeNAS was born, along with him was openfiler, etc. these are the simulation for NAS that was shipped with iSCSI, and many other protocols like: FTP, Samba, CIFS, etc. and a Web-based administration tool. And to make more convenient, they was shipped with VMware appliance as well... cool !
And you don't have to invest any NAS device, you just download the ISO (Live CD) or the VMware appliance of FreeNAS, turn it on, configure it! and you will have a NAS device that working through the iSCSI protocol
The remain, is to download iSCSI initiator (Microsoft provides one), and free on many Linux distribution. Configure it to work with your new NAS. You can map 1 iSCSI disk (on your freeNAS) to as much server as you want... you have your own Quorum disk
It works for both Windows, Linux as well. Beside that, freeNAS has many interesting features like: authentication through Active Directory, work as file server, scheduling for backing up, it is built on FreeBSD
Good luck!
Open Source,
VMware Appliance,
Wufoo: Do you want to make your own Attender Registration List?
And I think you can make more on this, ex: you want to invite your friends to have party with you, and you want to get the survey on the convenient time, want to get their confirmation? blah blah
And I think you can make more on this, ex: you want to invite your friends to have party with you, and you want to get the survey on the convenient time, want to get their confirmation? blah blah
Monday, October 13, 2008
I "Google Desktop" my company fileserver ;-)
It usually takes me a lot of time to search any documents/templates on my company file server. And even more, people puts a lot of their documents on the file server as well. Some of them is very interested
Today, suddenly, I pressed "double-ctrl" and got the Google Desktop appear, I though why didn't I add the our company file server into "Google Desktop"
And now I have another powerful tools for searching any needed documents
Another interesting point: I did used Google Desktop to index the all company CV, so from now on, I can work to replace our RMO office to search any CV that matchs the required skills set, that's perfect!!!
Today, suddenly, I pressed "double-ctrl" and got the Google Desktop appear, I though why didn't I add the our company file server into "Google Desktop"
And now I have another powerful tools for searching any needed documents
Another interesting point: I did used Google Desktop to index the all company CV, so from now on, I can work to replace our RMO office to search any CV that matchs the required skills set, that's perfect!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Flock - a social web browser
I'm not a fan of any glossy GUI applications, i was thought Flock is a kind of those applications, but today, it changed my mind
I was revising the current our project SCM, CI and found out Google Code
Google supports us to host any project we would like, they provides many facilities for managing project source code, and document as well, using background SVN, ReviewBoard, etc.
It should be good approach for any demo project
I would like to add more information on this matter CI, SCM, ReviewBoard, CruiseControl, VSS, DOXYGEN, FXCOP, for automating UnitTest, Code Review, Making document, measuring the code quality, bug tracking and even test automation
Google supports us to host any project we would like, they provides many facilities for managing project source code, and document as well, using background SVN, ReviewBoard, etc.
It should be good approach for any demo project
I would like to add more information on this matter CI, SCM, ReviewBoard, CruiseControl, VSS, DOXYGEN, FXCOP, for automating UnitTest, Code Review, Making document, measuring the code quality, bug tracking and even test automation
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Hien minh dang la quan ly du a'n cua mot cong ty software sourcing lon cua Vietnam.
Minh dang tim mot u'ng vien gioi voi nhung kinh nghiem, kien thuc yeu cau sau day:
- Lap trinh he. thong tren Windows gioi
- Co kha nang lap trinh tot bang C++ hoac C#, hoac Java
- Co kien thuc admin DBMS (MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
- Co kha nang admin Unix, network, shell, etc.
- Lap trinh shell script, batch script
- Su dung duoc QuickTest Pro, hieu nguyen ly hoat dong
- Co kinh nghiem Test Automation la mot loi the'
Luong bong canh tranh, moi truong lam viec chuyen nghiep, co* hoi thang tien cao, di cong tac nuoc ngoai
Minh dang tim mot u'ng vien gioi voi nhung kinh nghiem, kien thuc yeu cau sau day:
- Lap trinh he. thong tren Windows gioi
- Co kha nang lap trinh tot bang C++ hoac C#, hoac Java
- Co kien thuc admin DBMS (MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
- Co kha nang admin Unix, network, shell, etc.
- Lap trinh shell script, batch script
- Su dung duoc QuickTest Pro, hieu nguyen ly hoat dong
- Co kinh nghiem Test Automation la mot loi the'
Luong bong canh tranh, moi truong lam viec chuyen nghiep, co* hoi thang tien cao, di cong tac nuoc ngoai
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Nhung website hay de tham khao ve technical
He is member of
I want to be updated most newest technologies news
There are many articles related to high-scalability in web development & architecture
He is member of
I want to be updated most newest technologies news
There are many articles related to high-scalability in web development & architecture
Friday, October 3, 2008
shell, environment, .profile, some notes, su - informix
Issue: your binary cannot work, when you change user (su), you schedule (cron) a script to run, but the executed binary inside the script cannot work properly
When you change user and forgot to input the '-' paramter, before the username (su informix) instead of (su - informix). Unix won't run .profile (based in the user's home folder) So environment won't configured correctly, etc. $HOME, some kind of environment variable, some initial scripts, etc. So your binary won't work or announce some issues
The same, when you script the cron job, the script will be run in an another shell each time, and by default that shell won't configured (run .profile) so you script will be failed. To avoid this, at beginning of your script, you need to add some codes like:
When you change user and forgot to input the '-' paramter, before the username (su informix) instead of (su - informix). Unix won't run .profile (based in the user's home folder) So environment won't configured correctly, etc. $HOME, some kind of environment variable, some initial scripts, etc. So your binary won't work or announce some issues
The same, when you script the cron job, the script will be run in an another shell each time, and by default that shell won't configured (run .profile) so you script will be failed. To avoid this, at beginning of your script, you need to add some codes like:
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
web2.0 tools/utilities javascript components
This looks good, and open source, any ideas to implement for your own web?
This looks good, and open source, any ideas to implement for your own web?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Toi muo'n: sao muo'n nhiu the'
Toi muo'n danh thoi gian de di choi the? thao moi toi', tang su'c khoe, giam stress,
VirtualBox: another Virtualization host software, it is open source
I did many investigation on many virtualization software, and VMware is the best to me, at least up to now
VirtualBox, through the website, what it says is so impressive, and it is open-source as well
I will try to use it, and report the comparision later
VirtualBox, through the website, what it says is so impressive, and it is open-source as well
I will try to use it, and report the comparision later
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Experience: If you want to find some document, software
Beside using Google, if you want to find software, you can go to to find, even you don't intent to develop it, just download/compile and use
And for document, you can go to some document hosting site like:, youtube (video hosting), (document hosting) to find your needed documents
With me, ACM, IEEE for standard
And for document, you can go to some document hosting site like:, youtube (video hosting), (document hosting) to find your needed documents
With me, ACM, IEEE for standard
vnc2swf is an open source program runs on Linux to
convert VNC sesssion into swf - flash file, the idea is to implement it on Windows then convert VNC to avi file or something like that. So I can capture movie, automation running to file, instead of using some other tools, or VMware
Using "Tag' to tag 'Human Resource Information', local filesystem
This is my idea, is there any software to allow us to help us manage Word documents, Excel, etc. pictures, jpg, then we can tag them, like: travel, cambodia, san diego, etc.
Then later on, we can find any related documents on our file system, base on those tag/keyword Does it seem like Google Desktop?
Another idea, we have a lot of Human Resource Resume, for each CV, they describe there skill sets in diffrent way, so it is little bit hard for us to search appropriate candidate, my idea is to attach their CV in an application, and tag their name with appropriate skill sets, then later on, I can query any candidates that has the required skill sets. Can be done by Google Desktop, Windows Search
OK!!!! GOOD, I will put Google Desktop to search my CV folders, Put Windows to run index service for CV folder, so I can approach any candidate easier
Then later on, we can find any related documents on our file system, base on those tag/keyword Does it seem like Google Desktop?
Another idea, we have a lot of Human Resource Resume, for each CV, they describe there skill sets in diffrent way, so it is little bit hard for us to search appropriate candidate, my idea is to attach their CV in an application, and tag their name with appropriate skill sets, then later on, I can query any candidates that has the required skill sets. Can be done by Google Desktop, Windows Search
OK!!!! GOOD, I will put Google Desktop to search my CV folders, Put Windows to run index service for CV folder, so I can approach any candidate easier
New Object Repository Interface in QuickTest Pro 9
This is very informative
New Object Repository Interface in QuickTest Pro 9
The changes to the management of the Object Repository are among the most significant in the new version, and though I haven’t been through enough with the product to have a comprehensive opinion, I wanted to post my initial thoughts, and to invite comments from anyone whose experience is similar or different.
First off, let me say that on our team, where possible, we use programmatic descriptions. We minimize our interaction with the OR because we find that this is usually the first area that breaks when something changes in the interface. But we still do use the OR, and we rely on having an easy way to interact with it. I’m happy to report that they have made improvements in version 9, but there are still cases where they didn’t go far enough.
The Set Up
In the description below, I opened a new test and associated my AUT’s shared repository with the default action. My first inclination was to remove the association between the action’s default Local Repository, but then I found that you can’t remove the association. In an initial fit of consternation I talked it over with Will, and he was happy about the new behavior.
The Team-Oriented Object Repository
The local vs shared OR is their solution for how to make a team repository easier to manage: during test development, you have read-only access to the objects currently in the repository, but new objects are added to the local repository for that action. At some point later, one test developer goes back in and merges all the objects that should be shared, and either trims the rest from the local, or leaves them there if there’s no chance of them being used outside that action.
I’m undecided about this method, but I understand why they’ve done it. One thing is for sure: this beats the heck out of trying to run the external merge tool every few days, not having any idea when new objects are being created, and all the other stuff we had to do in 8.2 to get it working.
The New Object Repository Interface
When you open the new Object Repository, the first thing you’ll notice (besides the fact that it now takes about 5 seconds on my machine, as opposed to less than half a second for version 8.2), is the tree view on the left and the properties frame on the right. Further, the default size for the OR is more like what you’d expect: with the hierarchy collapsed to 3-deep, you can really see things well. The frame is big, and you probably don’t have to scroll around much. When you click on an object, the properties frame on the right automatically refreshes to show the selected object’s properties.
You’ll further notice that the tree is mostly grayed out - that’s the shared repository in read-only mode. Local objects are read-write, and any new objects you add go into that. The nice thing about this is how the trees merge seamlessly - if you’re adding a new WebElement under a particular browser/page object, one that exists in the shared OR, its hierarchy is copied into the local rep so that it looks like your new WebElement is actually under the same parent as all the other WebElements on that page. This allows you to view the OR the way you always have, and since the files are separated, you won’t be stepping on someone else’s code, forcing a merge.
Here’s the BIG problem with the interface: For the read-only objects (in the shared OR), you can’t get extended attribute properties. You can’t view them at all. The only properties you can see are the Description Properties, used to identify the object, the Ordinal Identifier, and whatever Additional Details you have turned on with Smart Identification for that object type. Now, I believe 8.2 worked in the same way if you were working with a read-only repository, but since that’s the rule now and not the exception (on our team, anyway), it becomes tiresome to go through the steps necessary to view the additional details.
This probably wouldn’t gall me so much if I didn’t see all that space below the properties that are listed… space where they could have put reams and reams of information, separating TO Properties and Method calls, allowing you to view anything and everything at will. It’s a missed opportunity to put all that good information right there on the page.
So what do you have to do to see the properties? Well, you have two options, one easy, one hard. The easy one is this: select the object whose properties you want to view, then click ObjectsCopy to Local from the menu bar (there’s no hot key), then click the plus + sign in the Properties frame… this will allow you to CRUD all the TO properties. The side effect of this is that, if you end up making a change to the object, the change will only be made in your local repository, and will not be carried back to the shared OR.
The other option is to open up the Object Manager, a standalone app that allows you to merge ORs, edit properties, reparent, etc., independently from the main QTP interface. I’ll be doing a separate write-up about the new OM, because though it’s similar to the OR editor, it has its own set of features, annoyances, and tricky behaviors.
Locate in Repository - the Coolest New Feature
This is the coolest thing in the new OR - the ability to click on an object in the AUT, and have it highlighted in the OR. Was it just me, or did everyone else spend an awful lot of time searching for objects in the OR, navingating through trees and trees of crap, when the object on the page was just sitting there laughing at you? Now you click the “Locate in Repository” button, click on the object in the AUT, and it goes right there - if it can find it. It’s a safe bet that if QTP can locate the object during a test run, it can locate it in an OR. It doesn’t always work, but it’s better than the nothing we had before.
Update from Application
Another cool feature: Select an object in the OR hierarchy, then click on its counterpart in the AUT, and its properties will be updated from the AUT. This is useful for when something is out of date, but I can see it being a pain if a whole page’s worth of objects has changed and you have to update them all one-by-one. I don’t know if there’s an effecient way out of this yet, but it’s possible that I’ve missed it. At any rate, I like the fact that it’s there.
…and the Bad
They didn’t put the “Locate in Application”, “Copy to Local”, “Highlight in Application”, or any of the other object-specific functions in the right-click menu when these objects are highlighted… and it makes me want to scream. There are no appreciable hot keys, no ways to make management of these things more efficient, and you end up getting just about as frustrated as you did in version 8.2.
A really big problem, one that I’m afraid is going to cause many headaches for some really smart people, is that under the File Menu there’s an option called “Export Local Objects”. When my eye first hit that, I read it the same way I read “Copy to Local” from earlier, that it would perform some sort of merge with the shared OR. So, I could copy the objects to the local OR, edit them at will, then export them back out to the shared OR. No problem, right? Well, this options actually creates a new OR (the binary .tsr file format, not an XML file, by the way), containing the objects from the Local Repository. The intent is that you can create a standalone OR, and maybe use that as a shared OR for other actions. The actuality is that I once overwrote my humongous shared OR with objects from a local one, because like most normal people, I didn’t read the warning message that said “this will replace the selected OR!!”, clicked OK, and immediately heard groaning coming from a cube or two away. We’re all version controlled here, so it was fine, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts that someone less organized is going to lose a Lot Of Work as a result of this little detail.
In the end I haven’t worked with the new OR enough to have a firm grasp of what’s great and what’s bad about it. These are my initial impressions, and I would invite anyone (even from Mercury, since we know you’re reading ;) ) to help me to understand if I’m wrong on the new features. I’ve tried to stick mainly to the in situ OR dialog, because this is already long enough, so next time I’ll cover the standalone Object Manager application.
New Object Repository Interface in QuickTest Pro 9
The changes to the management of the Object Repository are among the most significant in the new version, and though I haven’t been through enough with the product to have a comprehensive opinion, I wanted to post my initial thoughts, and to invite comments from anyone whose experience is similar or different.
First off, let me say that on our team, where possible, we use programmatic descriptions. We minimize our interaction with the OR because we find that this is usually the first area that breaks when something changes in the interface. But we still do use the OR, and we rely on having an easy way to interact with it. I’m happy to report that they have made improvements in version 9, but there are still cases where they didn’t go far enough.
The Set Up
In the description below, I opened a new test and associated my AUT’s shared repository with the default action. My first inclination was to remove the association between the action’s default Local Repository, but then I found that you can’t remove the association. In an initial fit of consternation I talked it over with Will, and he was happy about the new behavior.
The Team-Oriented Object Repository
The local vs shared OR is their solution for how to make a team repository easier to manage: during test development, you have read-only access to the objects currently in the repository, but new objects are added to the local repository for that action. At some point later, one test developer goes back in and merges all the objects that should be shared, and either trims the rest from the local, or leaves them there if there’s no chance of them being used outside that action.
I’m undecided about this method, but I understand why they’ve done it. One thing is for sure: this beats the heck out of trying to run the external merge tool every few days, not having any idea when new objects are being created, and all the other stuff we had to do in 8.2 to get it working.
The New Object Repository Interface
When you open the new Object Repository, the first thing you’ll notice (besides the fact that it now takes about 5 seconds on my machine, as opposed to less than half a second for version 8.2), is the tree view on the left and the properties frame on the right. Further, the default size for the OR is more like what you’d expect: with the hierarchy collapsed to 3-deep, you can really see things well. The frame is big, and you probably don’t have to scroll around much. When you click on an object, the properties frame on the right automatically refreshes to show the selected object’s properties.
You’ll further notice that the tree is mostly grayed out - that’s the shared repository in read-only mode. Local objects are read-write, and any new objects you add go into that. The nice thing about this is how the trees merge seamlessly - if you’re adding a new WebElement under a particular browser/page object, one that exists in the shared OR, its hierarchy is copied into the local rep so that it looks like your new WebElement is actually under the same parent as all the other WebElements on that page. This allows you to view the OR the way you always have, and since the files are separated, you won’t be stepping on someone else’s code, forcing a merge.
Here’s the BIG problem with the interface: For the read-only objects (in the shared OR), you can’t get extended attribute properties. You can’t view them at all. The only properties you can see are the Description Properties, used to identify the object, the Ordinal Identifier, and whatever Additional Details you have turned on with Smart Identification for that object type. Now, I believe 8.2 worked in the same way if you were working with a read-only repository, but since that’s the rule now and not the exception (on our team, anyway), it becomes tiresome to go through the steps necessary to view the additional details.
This probably wouldn’t gall me so much if I didn’t see all that space below the properties that are listed… space where they could have put reams and reams of information, separating TO Properties and Method calls, allowing you to view anything and everything at will. It’s a missed opportunity to put all that good information right there on the page.
So what do you have to do to see the properties? Well, you have two options, one easy, one hard. The easy one is this: select the object whose properties you want to view, then click ObjectsCopy to Local from the menu bar (there’s no hot key), then click the plus + sign in the Properties frame… this will allow you to CRUD all the TO properties. The side effect of this is that, if you end up making a change to the object, the change will only be made in your local repository, and will not be carried back to the shared OR.
The other option is to open up the Object Manager, a standalone app that allows you to merge ORs, edit properties, reparent, etc., independently from the main QTP interface. I’ll be doing a separate write-up about the new OM, because though it’s similar to the OR editor, it has its own set of features, annoyances, and tricky behaviors.
Locate in Repository - the Coolest New Feature
This is the coolest thing in the new OR - the ability to click on an object in the AUT, and have it highlighted in the OR. Was it just me, or did everyone else spend an awful lot of time searching for objects in the OR, navingating through trees and trees of crap, when the object on the page was just sitting there laughing at you? Now you click the “Locate in Repository” button, click on the object in the AUT, and it goes right there - if it can find it. It’s a safe bet that if QTP can locate the object during a test run, it can locate it in an OR. It doesn’t always work, but it’s better than the nothing we had before.
Update from Application
Another cool feature: Select an object in the OR hierarchy, then click on its counterpart in the AUT, and its properties will be updated from the AUT. This is useful for when something is out of date, but I can see it being a pain if a whole page’s worth of objects has changed and you have to update them all one-by-one. I don’t know if there’s an effecient way out of this yet, but it’s possible that I’ve missed it. At any rate, I like the fact that it’s there.
…and the Bad
They didn’t put the “Locate in Application”, “Copy to Local”, “Highlight in Application”, or any of the other object-specific functions in the right-click menu when these objects are highlighted… and it makes me want to scream. There are no appreciable hot keys, no ways to make management of these things more efficient, and you end up getting just about as frustrated as you did in version 8.2.
A really big problem, one that I’m afraid is going to cause many headaches for some really smart people, is that under the File Menu there’s an option called “Export Local Objects”. When my eye first hit that, I read it the same way I read “Copy to Local” from earlier, that it would perform some sort of merge with the shared OR. So, I could copy the objects to the local OR, edit them at will, then export them back out to the shared OR. No problem, right? Well, this options actually creates a new OR (the binary .tsr file format, not an XML file, by the way), containing the objects from the Local Repository. The intent is that you can create a standalone OR, and maybe use that as a shared OR for other actions. The actuality is that I once overwrote my humongous shared OR with objects from a local one, because like most normal people, I didn’t read the warning message that said “this will replace the selected OR!!”, clicked OK, and immediately heard groaning coming from a cube or two away. We’re all version controlled here, so it was fine, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts that someone less organized is going to lose a Lot Of Work as a result of this little detail.
In the end I haven’t worked with the new OR enough to have a firm grasp of what’s great and what’s bad about it. These are my initial impressions, and I would invite anyone (even from Mercury, since we know you’re reading ;) ) to help me to understand if I’m wrong on the new features. I’ve tried to stick mainly to the in situ OR dialog, because this is already long enough, so next time I’ll cover the standalone Object Manager application.
Some improvement for QTP in my project
I'm sorry, this is my brainstorming, not for publishing purpose
The most important idea: (as my experience in developing web crawler, apply artificial interllienge)
-If we use too much properties to identify an object, obviously, we assume that object identify will more accurately. But in some case, if the object in real life, sometime, miss some properties, our application cannot recognize the object (html object is rarely the same all the time). And this process is a result of training object identifier in a 'too large environment' where we have many object, and the application always try the best to unique the object (in test automation is a large set of test case that use the same object repository, and object in repository absolutely has many properties, and cause sometime it cannot recognize the object)
=> increase of number properties to identify object
Another case, if there are too much object has the same properties so to unique the object QTP will reject any duplicated properties, lead to
=> reduce number of properties to identify object. So QTP cannot identify any object (even in small environment)
==>This all is a result of training QTP in a large environment
-1/ too many object, window on the desktop at the time of training
-2/ you train QTP to recognize objects (then store in the same OBJECT REPOSITORY) but you train it many times, each time is of another Application (another test case)
-But, what if we use less properties to identify the object? In the small environment where there are several objects only, it is very easy to unique an object. But when we put the test in to large environment (where there are many test case that open many windows/object) the it will be very hard to unique an object
=> So, we are tester, developer, we understand much, which case will use which type of object. We can leverage dynamic object repository load functionality of QTP to:
1/ For each test case, we know exactly which object we would like to interact, so we can load exactly OR file of that object only. So if we have 2 more objects that similiar in different test cases, but we are testing 1 test case only, we can elimiate 1 remain test case,
2/ For each OR file, we will try to get as much unique properties as possible
Compose two above, we will have a good solution to avoid any duplicated object on the system by elimiate each OR / test case, interact objects/windows in sequence
3/ We need to get investigation, graph to balance, how many properties is good enough for our application to identify? for each test case if possible
1/ Separate our test case into small piece, to limit, and increase object identify performance, increase accurate
2/ Dynamic load object repository for each set of test case
- One more thing, there are some guys around the world, they use programatic to identify object, not relay on Object Repository anymore. That is perfect, so they how to identify their object clearly and to avoid any impact from the change of interface GUI , coding, what if developer, and sudently add some very funny properties into you object?
Below is the detail:
-Dynamic load Object Repository, separate object repository by screen, test case, to increase performace, accurately identify
-In some case, update the object property in object repository to reflect the actually object that known by tester
-Try to understand and have good use of QTP Object properties
Objects Properties:
-Try to understand and have good use of QTP checkpoint functionalities
Mandatory Properties: Predefined sets of properties QuickTest learns for each test object.
Assistive Properties: Assistive properties are properties that QuickTest learns only if the mandatory properties are NOT sufficient to create a unique description.
Ordinal Identifier: The Ordinal Identifier assigns the object a numerical value that indicates its order relative to other objects for those have same values for all properties specified in the mandatory and Assistive property lists. This ordered value enables QuickTest to create a unique description when the mandatory and Assistive properties are not sufficient to do so.
SmartTesting @ January 28, 2008"
ISSUE: How to set a property value of an object in the Object Repository during runtime?
Issues, Quick Test Pro, Test Automation
Solution: We can modify the properties of the temporary version of the object during the run session without affecting the permanent values in the object repository by adding a SetTOProperty method. The SetTOProperty method can be inserted from the Keyword view using step generator or inserted to the expert view.
The regular expression checkbox needs to be selected for the specified object .
Either through the Object Repository or through the Object Properties window, the regular expression checkbox needs to be selected before running the test.
To go through the Object Repository:
1. Select Resources -> Object Repository.
2. Select the object that will be used with the SetTOProperty method.
3. Select the property that will be used with the SetTOProperty method.
4. Select the “Edit Constant Value Options” button, which is to the right of the Constant field.
5. Select the “Regular expression” checkbox.
6. Click.
7. Click.
After modifying the setting, you can specify the regular expression using the SetTOProperty method.
Window(”Notepad”).WinEditor(”Edit”).SetTOProperty “text”, “test.*” "
The most important idea: (as my experience in developing web crawler, apply artificial interllienge)
-If we use too much properties to identify an object, obviously, we assume that object identify will more accurately. But in some case, if the object in real life, sometime, miss some properties, our application cannot recognize the object (html object is rarely the same all the time). And this process is a result of training object identifier in a 'too large environment' where we have many object, and the application always try the best to unique the object (in test automation is a large set of test case that use the same object repository, and object in repository absolutely has many properties, and cause sometime it cannot recognize the object)
=> increase of number properties to identify object
Another case, if there are too much object has the same properties so to unique the object QTP will reject any duplicated properties, lead to
=> reduce number of properties to identify object. So QTP cannot identify any object (even in small environment)
==>This all is a result of training QTP in a large environment
-1/ too many object, window on the desktop at the time of training
-2/ you train QTP to recognize objects (then store in the same OBJECT REPOSITORY) but you train it many times, each time is of another Application (another test case)
-But, what if we use less properties to identify the object? In the small environment where there are several objects only, it is very easy to unique an object. But when we put the test in to large environment (where there are many test case that open many windows/object) the it will be very hard to unique an object
=> So, we are tester, developer, we understand much, which case will use which type of object. We can leverage dynamic object repository load functionality of QTP to:
1/ For each test case, we know exactly which object we would like to interact, so we can load exactly OR file of that object only. So if we have 2 more objects that similiar in different test cases, but we are testing 1 test case only, we can elimiate 1 remain test case,
2/ For each OR file, we will try to get as much unique properties as possible
Compose two above, we will have a good solution to avoid any duplicated object on the system by elimiate each OR / test case, interact objects/windows in sequence
3/ We need to get investigation, graph to balance, how many properties is good enough for our application to identify? for each test case if possible
1/ Separate our test case into small piece, to limit, and increase object identify performance, increase accurate
2/ Dynamic load object repository for each set of test case
- One more thing, there are some guys around the world, they use programatic to identify object, not relay on Object Repository anymore. That is perfect, so they how to identify their object clearly and to avoid any impact from the change of interface GUI , coding, what if developer, and sudently add some very funny properties into you object?
Below is the detail:
-Dynamic load Object Repository, separate object repository by screen, test case, to increase performace, accurately identify
-In some case, update the object property in object repository to reflect the actually object that known by tester
-Try to understand and have good use of QTP Object properties
Objects Properties:
-Try to understand and have good use of QTP checkpoint functionalities
Mandatory Properties: Predefined sets of properties QuickTest learns for each test object.
Assistive Properties: Assistive properties are properties that QuickTest learns only if the mandatory properties are NOT sufficient to create a unique description.
Ordinal Identifier: The Ordinal Identifier assigns the object a numerical value that indicates its order relative to other objects for those have same values for all properties specified in the mandatory and Assistive property lists. This ordered value enables QuickTest to create a unique description when the mandatory and Assistive properties are not sufficient to do so.
SmartTesting @ January 28, 2008"
ISSUE: How to set a property value of an object in the Object Repository during runtime?
Issues, Quick Test Pro, Test Automation
Solution: We can modify the properties of the temporary version of the object during the run session without affecting the permanent values in the object repository by adding a SetTOProperty method. The SetTOProperty method can be inserted from the Keyword view using step generator or inserted to the expert view.
The regular expression checkbox needs to be selected for the specified object .
Either through the Object Repository or through the Object Properties window, the regular expression checkbox needs to be selected before running the test.
To go through the Object Repository:
1. Select Resources -> Object Repository.
2. Select the object that will be used with the SetTOProperty method.
3. Select the property that will be used with the SetTOProperty method.
4. Select the “Edit Constant Value Options” button, which is to the right of the Constant field.
5. Select the “Regular expression” checkbox.
6. Click
7. Click
After modifying the setting, you can specify the regular expression using the SetTOProperty method.
Window(”Notepad”).WinEditor(”Edit”).SetTOProperty “text”, “test.*”
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